[pp.int.general] Helsinki Conference Venue confirmed

Anton Tamminen anton.tamminen at piraattipuolue.fi
Sun Dec 21 17:03:14 CET 2008

I'm glad to report to you that the conference venue location has been 
confirmed. We will recide in the very city core, at the university 
student union's building. See 
http://wiki.piraattipuolue.fi/Helsinki_conference#Details .

 I'd also like all those who still haven't reported in for the 
conference to do so - these include at least Piratenpartij (PPNL), 
Partia Piratòw (PPPL), Parti Pirate (PPFR), The Pirate Party Australia 
(PPAU). Please also report if you are not attending. Contact me for any 
questions you have concerning the conference, travel or accommodation.


Anton Tamminen
International Secretary, Member of the Board
Piraattipuolue - The Pirate Party, Finland

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