[pp.int.general] FRA Warning

Per von Zweigbergk per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se
Wed Dec 31 15:46:32 CET 2008

31 dec 2008 kl. 15.05 skrev Valentin Villenave:

> 2008/12/31 Per von Zweigbergk <per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se>:
>> On January 1, 2009, the FRA-law (Lex Orwell) comes into effect in  
>> Sweden.
>> This is the law that empowers the Swedish National Defense Radio
>> Establishment (Försvarets Radio-anstalt / FRA) to intercept any and  
>> all
>> international communications based on "advanced search terms".
> Don't you believe they've been waiting for the law to pass before
> doing this? IMO they're already listening :-

If they've been listening already, which is quite possible, they have  
been doing so illegally. That they are now able to do it legally just  
makes it much worse.

> 2008/12/31 Per von Zweigbergk <per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se>:
>> Really, encryption like GnuPG isn't really relevant here. What FRA  
>> is most
>> interested in, is to build "sociograms" -- diagrams detailing who is
>> communicating with whom. When using a system like GnuPG, the sender  
>> and
>> receiver of the e-mail (and even the subject line) is visible.  
>> GnuPG does
>> absolutely nothing for the possible lurkers on this e-mail list who  
>> wish to
>> stay out of the Pirate Party's sociogram.
> One great workaround (quite funny also):
> http://spammimic.com/explain.shtml

Spammimic does nothing to prevent FRA from creating sociograms.

> Cheers,
> Valentin

Per von Zweigbergk
Technical Operations Group, Pirate Party Sweden

VARNING: E-post till och från Sverige, eller som passerar servrar i  
Sverige, avlyssnas av Försvarets Radioanstalt, FRA.
WARNING: E-mail to and from Sweden, or via servers in Sweden, is  
intercepted by the Swedish National Defense Radio Establishment.

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