[pp.int.general] Re-elections in Austria

Max Lalouschek | Piratenpartei Österreic Max Lalouschek | Piratenpartei Österreic
Thu Jul 10 19:08:23 CEST 2008

Ahoi all!

Just wanted to inform you, that the conservatives broke up the coalition 
with the social democrats. That means: Re-elections in the end of 
September. Although the coalition has been in a crisis for quite a 
while, nobody really expected that step, as none of these parties will 
gain anything by re-elections. It just means more votes for right wing 
parties. (So we might as well get our old conservatives-right wing 
coalition back *sigh*)

But it is also a chance for new/small parties by getting protest votes. 
So what we are doing now is to try to get as much support as possible 
from our members and hopefully get on the ballot, at least in some 
states of Austria.

As I said, we all were a bit surprised and we have summer holidays... so 
we haven't the best circumstances now to gather signs, but we will try 
our best. At the end of August it should be clear wether or not we will 
take part in the elections.


Max Lalouschek

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