[pp.int.general] Lissabon Treaty: very bad news

David Golden david at oldr.net
Sat Jun 14 06:19:08 CEST 2008

Arend Lammertink wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been looking into the so-called Lisbon treaty, which basically 
> pushes trough what the Dutch and French rejected. 

So... anyway... the Irish vote was against it by a modest majority.
IMO, the pro-treaty folk did quite a bit to help the anti-treaty cause, heh.

I don't think the "Intellectual property shall be protected" business
was at the forefront of many voter's concerns, but /are/ there
implications of the vote for european pirates?   Of course, for those
concerned about democracy or lack thereof in the EU, the irish vote is
quite interesting.   However, despite media sensationalism, it certainly
doesn't somehow spell the end of the EU, and I suspect right now it
doesn't even spell the end for the treaty - see e.g. Barroso's and
Sarkozy's immediate post-Irish-vote comments.  And of course there's the
treaty of Nice history - "Hey, that last referendum gave the 'wrong'
result, have another."

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