[pp.int.general] PRESS-RELEASE. The first regional branch of the Russian Movement "Pirate Union - League for the creative freedom" officially founded in St. Petersburg.

Комиссия по подготовке Учредительного Конвента piratenpartai at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 21:44:47 CET 2008

On March 21, in St. Petersburg several activists have done, perhaps,
the historic point. At the General Meeting, it was decided to
formally establish the first regional branch of the Movement
"Pirate Union - League for the creative freedom" in Russia. Leaders
of the regional branch have been elected and the auditor also.

Activists and sympathizers from Petersburg express confidence and hope
that this long-awaited step encourage activists in other regions of Russia
to do registration General Meeting also in a short time.

Our movement is still very young, we are still missing a lot...
But the main thing we have - our belief in the correctness of our ideas.
Despite all enemy schemes, the lies and hypocrisy of our detractors,
the fighting initiated by enthusiasts of Freedom will grow and develop.
Victory will be ours!

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