[pp.int.general] [Cafe] levies

Carlos Ayala aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Wed Mar 26 00:36:02 CET 2008

----- Mensaje original ----
De: Rick Falkvinge (Piratpartiet) <rick at piratpartiet.se>
Enviado: martes, 25 de marzo, 2008 23:44:29
> In all this talk about levies, I have yet to see somebody answer the fundamental questions:
> Why is who is going to be compensated for what, and how?

Actually I made the same question -except for the how, because I believe first it has to be found out why-; and you're right, nobody has answered. Maybe because the answer is no, maybe because there is nothing to be compensated.

> For example, if you can't find a fair way to distribute the levies, then it's just another revenue source for the copyright
> lobby that has to do nothing to get money for more lobbying, and we are considerably worse off.

> And in order to find a fair way to distribute the levies, you (again) have to tap into every private communication. Back
> to square one. Either that, or you base it off of something completely different, which means that small unknown bands
> end up paying Elvis and Elton John.

Just in the case that someone would be able to find why levies should be paid -and as you said nobody could up to now-, according to civil law the requirement for a fair way to distribute the levies -i.e.: only paying the ones who would be causing the loss, and only receiving the ones who would be suffering the loss- is mandatory. If levies are not distributed according to such principles, there is no room for them; and if for levies to be distributed according to such principles, civil rights and liberties have to be compromised, it becomes certainly unbearable.

Anyway, before such considerations, as you said, first someone should put on the table reasons for levies to exist.

> This is details, but without details, it's just an ivory tower discussion. If it can't be done in practice, then so must be
> said.

Exactly. If there is no room for levies, the rest is literature. Regards,

                                                                                      Carlos Ayala
                                                                                      ( Aiarakoa )

                                                             Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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