[pp.int.general] [Cafe] [Vrijschrift-Kern] illegal use of retained data?

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Sun May 18 00:39:28 CEST 2008

>> separate mail provider). For billing purposes, there is no need to
>> collect data.
> No, but for following up spamming there is. Virtually all mail server
> administrators, and certainly those of ISPs, keep mail server logs in
> order to verify e.g. spamming/virus/mail bombing claims later on, to
> verify spam filter operations etc.

This is indeed a reason ... The cynical(?) conclusion might be that there is 
a business opportunity for mail servers offering just mail service and 
nothing else, without (central) spam filtering ...

> Limits no longer exist in certain countries. In others, like Belgium,
> they are still very much alive.

A lack of competition? In the beginning when I started using ADSL I was 
careful not to watch Internet television too much, and not to listen to 
Internet radio too long ... but now I bother no longer. 
www.uitzendinggemist.nl is very popular in The Netherlands. I have roughly 
1Mbps downstream. I guess if you continuously use the full 1Gbps available 
in some Swedish homes, the provider is "not amused" ...


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