[pp.int.general] PPI mentioned in scene NFO - Being raced while I type. ( Leads to freeing the ps3 of it's chains )

Core TX coretx at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 22:45:29 CET 2008

#               PS3 Reference Tool Web Interface          #
#                                                         #
#                     who did it again?:                  #
#                                                         #
#      ___           ___           ___           ___      #
#     /\  \         /\__\         /\  \         /\__\     #
#    /::\  \       /:/  /        /::\  \       /:/  /     #
#   /:/\:\  \     /:/__/        /:/\:\  \     /:/  /      #
#  _\:\~\:\  \   /::\__\____   /::\~\:\  \   /:/  /  ___  #
# /\ \:\ \:\__\ /:/\:::::\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/  /\__\ #
# \:\ \:\ \/__/ \/_|:|~~|~    \/__\:\ \/__/ \:\  \ /:/  / #
#  \:\ \:\__\      |:|  |          \:\__\    \:\  /:/  /  #
#   \:\/:/  /      |:|  |           \/__/     \:\/:/  /   #
#    \::/  /       |:|  |                      \::/  /    #
#     \/__/         \|__|                       \/__/     #
#                                                         #
#                          [SKFU]                         #
#               <^>(General Information)<^>               #
# Type.................: html interface                   #
# Platform.............: every                            #
# Part Size............: 142.510 bytes                    #
# Number of Parts......: 1                                #
# Compression Format...: RAR                              #
#                                                         #
#                   <^>(Description)<^>                   #
# The PS3 Reference Tool Web Interface is part of the     #
# software delivered with the SONY refkit. Basicly it's   #
# only used for very simple tests and configuring options #
# like the boot parameters. There are several more, just  #
# open the index.html and take a look.                    #
#                                                         #
#                   <^>(Greez go to)<^>                   #
# iQD, Tschernobill, Roy, Core-TX, Alek, RichDevX, DDOS,  #
# dasda, joec, Kayx, Demonhades, Pirate, PS3rips, kid101, #
# hackd2123, FreePlay, brakken and the ps3hax irc guys!!! #
#                                                         #
#                 <^>(Visit all those)<^>                 #
# streetskaterfu.blogspot.com                             #
# pp-international.net                                    #
# dark-alex.org                                           #
# ps3hax.net                                              #
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