[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto First Draft

Jens Seipenbusch seipenbusch at web.de
Fri Sep 5 12:51:55 CEST 2008

Hi Carlos, hi international pirates,

i briefly read the first Draft of the proposed manifesto and must say,
that i disagree on many places.
As i have written the preamble for the german party platform, i know,
how difficult it is (even in your native language) to express thoughts
about the information society and the changes in society due to
globalization and such. What is written in the preamble of the draft is
imho not suitable for our manifesto. I also disagree with the whole
passage "about non-core issues".
Regarding the politics of our core issues, i can only say, that for the
german party we are conform with the politic points of the Uppsala
declaration, so we might just refer to those (maybe in a more abstract way).
Of course the german party has some more issues, but since they are
probably the ones we wont agree upon anyways, it will not be useful to
try to reach an agreement on those.

As a sidenote i would really like to support what Amelia said earlier:
mind your language and your length, please.
Jens Seipenbusch
german pirate party
js at piratenpartei.de

Carlos Ayala schrieb:
> Hi:
> After a final editing session held last night, we finally
> polished the Pirate Manifesto First Draft; here I attach to this mail
> the English version together with the Spanish version.
> I'll get as soon as possible the wiki page for Stage Two: the amendments stage.

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