[pp.int.general] Press Release: Member of German Pirate Party raided

Andreas Popp andreas.popp at gmx.de
Wed Sep 17 20:22:40 CEST 2008

Rick Falkvinge (Piratpartiet) schrieb:
> Just FYI, we issued a PR at 17:25 today. It's at
> http://press.piratpartiet.se (our press portal). Thanks for the heads up.
> Oh - and if something like this should happen again, it's so newsworthy,
> if possible, try to get the news out quickly. This news is already a
> week old -- speed may make or break a story.
> Rick

Thanks for your effort and the info. We would have done it faster, but
in this situation we could not be faster, since the affected person was
not available (work stuff) until monday.


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