[pp.int.general] Talk like a pirate day

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 13:31:42 CEST 2008

2008/9/18 Andrew Norton <andrew.norton at pirate-party.us>:

> it can be a good PR way to get some people interested.

Ahoy, Cap'n! Let's show these scurvy bastards how the true pirates talk!

Pehaps we could have some page to explain "how to talk like a pirate"
(hm, I guess this would bring us quite a GoogleRank booty today):

we don't say "Intellectual Property" -> we say "Theft"

we don't say "illegal downloading makes you a pirate" -> we say
"sharing the knowledge makes the world a better place"

we don't say "IP laws protect the authors" -> we say "the Big Four own the law"

we don't say "IP laws enable cultural diversity" -> we say "uniformity
and sh**ty culture for the masses"

we don't say "the citizens need to become responsible" -> we say "Big
Brother is watching you"

'n' so on.


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