[pp.int.general] Party formation dates

aloa5 piratenpartei at t-online.de
Wed Dec 9 14:17:02 CET 2009

Steffen Ortmann schrieb:
> 2009/12/9 aloa5 <piratenpartei at t-online.de>:
>> For Germany:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Pirate_Party
>> foundet 10.9.2006
> The website was registered in March or April 2006.
> http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.piratenpartei.de
> So I think we beat our french neighbours by e few weeks?

Andrew asked "existed as a group formally". Formally 10.9. is the date;).

>> For elections it depends on if you differ between state and country. Have a
>> look at this table:
>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piratenpartei_Deutschland#Wahlen
>> The difference between 1) and 2) is not really clear. In Germany ianal the
>> status if you are a party or not is prooved before an election (what does
>> not mean that you wasn´t before).
> I have other information regarding that. The party was registered
> with the "Bundeswahlleiter", the highest German official when it comes
> to admitting parties to elections back in 2006.
> There are not many conditions 

Indeed - but they have to be fulfilled. No one proofes them before 
election. You remember "DIE PARTEI" ;).


> you have to meet when you start
> a party in Germany but you can loose the status as a party if you
> don't have a few hundred members after a few years or if your inactive.
> Steffen
> Jetzt auch per Wave erreichbar: steffen.ortmann at googlewave.com

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