[pp.int.general] Copenhagen, our turn to dive into

Thomas Burke mrthomasjburke at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 17:29:17 CET 2009

Well its like this. Copenhagen is about nothing more than deciding how
much each country will be paying in carbon taxes. Here in Ireland our
budget is today and we are already getting carbon taxes introduced.

2009/12/9 Reinier Bakels <r.bakels at planet.nl>:
>> Patents are one of the main issues concerning the transfer of technologies
>> to the "2nd and 3rd world" countries in order to fight climate change. Even
>> if most of the press focuses on the $$$ transfert question, it is in fact in
>> two parts: the 10 billions $/year for the developed countries to pay, and
>> the techs that have to be transfered.
>> i really think we should all voice loud about that, it is the due time.
>> A few elements i have already gathered:
>> - only 2,15% of the patents at the WiPO concern environment.
>> - That figure isn't growing.
>> - it's covered under the TRIPS
>> http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/trips_e/trips_e.htm
>> - french official report covering the subject (in French)
>> http://www.strategie.gouv.fr/article.php3?id_article=1081
> I hear contracdictory signals. First the rumor was that e.g. China was not
> prepared to agree with CO2 reduction plans because it would force them to
> pay zillions of $ to the US manufacturers of climate "adaptation and
> mitigation" technologies, but later an expert told me that really the
> developed world is (formally) obliged to pay.
> I was at a WIPO conference in Geneva in July where a man from General
> Electric explained that his bosses were *only* iteressed in "the bottom
> line" ("no compassion" - never seeen an American businessman before
> explaining that he did not bother about ethics!). All presentations plus
> audio are on the WIPO website.
> Part of the confusion is that many of the "climate" technologies are not
> patented at all PLUS that lesser developed countries don't just need the
> technology - BUT "capacity building" which includes e.g. education of local
> people.
> During a recent conference, I heard an interesting conversation between a
> scholar who was working on patents & climate and another working on patents
> & pharma. The latter expressed to be envious of the former: in pharma it is
> a complete mess, with patents as a major roadblock for innovation (yes,
> unbelievable!) BUT the climate problem has the "advantage" of being
> relatively new PLUS there is a true "sense of urgency" that may help true
> breakthoughs =- in line with pirate desires.
> We may *die* because pharma developers spend more time to litigation than to
> research, but we should not *drown*  because the same mistakes are made
> again in the climate field.
> reinier
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