[pp.int.general] EU election status mid Jan

Carlos Ayala Vargas aiarakoa at yahoo.es
Wed Jan 14 18:45:23 CET 2009

Florian Lauté wrote:
> For those who speak/read french. A french journal publish an article.
> http://www.marianne2.fr/Parti-Pirate-le-premier-parti-politique-acculture-et-fier-de-l-etre_a173763.html?voir_commentaire=oui#comments
 From my rotten (:-D) ability of speaking French:

"If the intellectual argument seems to be noble (/« culture & art are 
common goods which worth is acquired as being shared and spread" »/), 
*the sociology of Piratpartiet's voters is same as the "/zero cost 
generation/" of illegal downloads fans*: from 18 to 30 years, mostly 
male students (see the graphic above). It's thus not astonishing to find 
their platform characterized by an acculturation without any complex"

First of all it should be checked if I translated it properly; if I did, 
what do you think of that part of the French journal's article? Regards,

Carlos Ayala
( Aiarakoa )

Partido Pirata National Board's Chairman

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