[pp.int.general] Clerical error in the manifesto drafts

Per von Zweigbergk per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se
Fri Jan 16 08:34:03 CET 2009

There is a minor clerical error in all three of the manifesto drafts  
as found at:

- http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_A
- http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_B
- http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_C

The first paragraph in the chapter About Restrictions of Ideas and  
Information / About Author's Rights differs in that Draft B is  
different form Draft A and Draft C in this paragraph, yet it is not  
highlighted in bold, as they should be for paragraphs that differ  
between each other.

Per von Zweigbergk

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