[pp.int.general] Clerical error in the manifesto drafts

Per von Zweigbergk per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se
Fri Jan 16 17:27:14 CET 2009

16 jan 2009 kl. 15.31 skrev Carlos Ayala Vargas:

> Per von Zweigbergk wrote:
>> 16 jan 2009 kl. 08.34 skrev Per von Zweigbergk:
>>> There is a minor clerical error in all three of the manifesto  
>>> drafts as found at:
>>> - http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_A
>>> - http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_B
>>> - http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Draft_C
>>> The first paragraph in the chapter About Restrictions of Ideas and  
>>> Information / About Author's Rights differs in that Draft B is  
>>> different form Draft A and Draft C in this paragraph, yet it is  
>>> not highlighted in bold, as they should be for paragraphs that  
>>> differ between each other.
>> Also, many sections that have been slightly modified after the  
>> heading "About Information Society" (up to the end of the  
>> manifesto) are also missing bold difference markers.
> Surely it has to be a typo, as there are no modifications in those  
> sections; the only modifications are those enlisted here:
> http://int.piratenpartei.de/Pirate_Manifesto_Final_Drafts
> ¿May you comment the exact differences in the talk pages in order to  
> allow me to fix them? Thank you for the notice, for reporting the  
> typo :) Regards,

It's more than a typo, there are some changes in linguistics.

For example, Draft A and C:

> The primary duty of elected representatives is to represent their  
> constituents. The primary role of government officers is to ensure  
> the smooth running of the government. Both must do this while  
> observing and abiding by *both* the rule of law*,* and civil rights  
> and liberties. In order to ensure this, such officials much be  
> transparent in their actions and activities, and public scrutiny  
> into the affairs of state should *not only be allowed, but must be*.

Draft B:

> The primary duty of elected representatives is to represent their  
> constituents. The primary role of government officers is to ensure  
> the smooth running of the government. Both must do this while  
> observing and abiding by the rule of law and civil rights and  
> liberties. In order to ensure this, such officials much be  
> transparent in their actions and activities, and public scrutiny  
> into the affairs of state should *be mandatory*.

There are some other differences too, but Draft A and C are identical  
in these chapters. Draft B however is different. In other places as  
well. I don't have time to list all the changes at the moment though.

(Just noticed another typo btw, it says "officials *much* be  
transparent" in both versions, surely that should say "must".)

Per von Zweigbergk

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