[pp.int.general] philosophy vs. action

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at pr.unimaas.nl
Sat Jan 17 10:49:56 CET 2009

> I haven't mentioned the Human Rights yet. Why do you mention it so often? 
> Are you really against HR?
AAAAAAAAAAAH! This is the core of the confusion. The present PP manifesto(s) 
start from human rights. I do not oppose HR as such, but I do believe that 
human rights are weak political arguments. Because they are pretty commonly 
interpreted in a way contrary to PP objectives. Not just by misled bribed 
stupid/dishonest politicians.

PP politics imho should not be an intellectual exercise about the 
interpretation of human rights, but get directly to the core.

The underlyling principle is imnsho that copyright policy should not only 
cater for the interests of the rights owners, but also for the rights of the 
general public, and the PP should represent the general public - which is 
presently hardly represented at all in the copyright debate. We need a 
balanced regulation.


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