[pp.int.general] Pirate Manifesto: PIRATA internal ballot, results

Per von Zweigbergk per.von.zweigbergk at piratpartiet.se
Sun Jan 25 11:49:29 CET 2009

25 jan 2009 kl. 10.59 skrev Reinier Bakels:

> One does not need a fanciful philosophy to know what is right and  
> wrong in this field.

One common criticism of the Swedish (pp) is that we're a "single- 
issue" party. We're commonly depicted as spoiled brats whose main goal  
is to get everything for free, and therefore assume that our  
opposition to things like FRA and the Swedish implementation of IPRED  
is because it might threaten currently illegal internet file sharing.

Having a developed philosophy to counter these arguments to come up  
has been helpful in this regard. Swedish (pp)'s "declaration of  
principles" document is available in English in PDF (http://www.piratpartiet.se/documents/Principles%203.2.pdf 
) and OpenDocument Text format (http://www.piratpartiet.se/documents/Principles%203.2.odt 

If they insist we're a single-issue party without a philosophy, we can  
always point them towards the declaration of principles. And if they  
continue to insist otherwise, we can write them off as Internet trolls  
or lost causes and move on to the next person to convince. Because, no  
matter how much you try, you just can't convince some people that the  
moon is not made of cheese.

Per von Zweigbergk

VARNING: E-post till och från Sverige, eller som passerar servrar i  
Sverige, avlyssnas av Försvarets Radioanstalt, FRA.
WARNING: E-mail to and from Sweden, or via servers in Sweden, is  
intercepted by the Swedish National Defense Radio Establishment.

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