[pp.int.general] Our ideology

Mikko Särelä msarela at cc.hut.fi
Thu Jul 30 09:09:01 CEST 2009

On Thu, 30 Jul 2009, Reinier Bakels wrote:
> > I would like to propose a small widening of the scope of the Pirate 
> > Parties right here and right now. I propose that, in time, we take 
> > openness and transparency of government and governance as part of our 
> > explicit core ideology. I believe that it already is part of our 
> > common thinking.

> 3. There are no straightforward solutions. Referenda are not the 
>    solution to all problems. Every political scientist knows that there 
>    are reasons for maintaining the present system of indirect democracy, 
>    even if (internet)  technology would enable a daily vote of all 
>    citizens. Leaders are indispensable.

Which is why I did not suggest direct democracy. I suggested participatory 
indirect democracy. 

I don't think we can expect all (or even most) people to be interested in 
most political issues and we shouldn't. Most people care about their lives 
firstly. But when politics and personal life collide, people tend to 1. be 
interested and 2. have something useful and potentially important to say. 

For those reasons, it is not direct democracy, but participatory democracy 
that is important. As I said, we don't quite know ourselves what should be 
done on this front. I myself, just have vague ideas, of somehow pushing 
the official regulatory preparation (done by government officials) into 
the net - to wiki like platforms, where every proposal starting from their 
initial stages to final stages would be for all to see; and for all to 
comment (possibly with some kind of vote up/down mechanisms to push good 
comments up and bad ones down). This would _not_ be direct democracy in 
the sense of voting, but more about "the wisdom of the crowds". Gathering 
comments, ideas, and information from those people who are actually 
interested in the subject and who know something about it (e.g. by being 
a target of the regulation). 

As you said, the things on this front differ, from country to country. 
Still, I think this can be done - and this _needs_ to be done. Such 
openness is a prerequisite for limiting the power of corporate lobbying 
(which, I believe, is needed so that we can eventually get to the 
copyright reform). It should not be our primary 'populist' goal - as it 
does not get so many people worked up about. But it does fall in naturally 
with our other goals - and it shows that Pirate Party is not a one trick 

Mikko Särelä
"It is through exchange that difference becomes a blessing, not a
curse", Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain

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