[pp.int.general] cultural flatrate: PP position?

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Tue Jun 9 23:52:18 CEST 2009

>> Copyright contract law comes on top of plain contract law. While plain
>> contract law assumes the parties are equivalant (just as strong), in law
>> there are various types of special contract law: for the labour
>> contract, for the consumer (purchase) contract, and - hoefully soon -
>> for the author contract.
> That's the point, where I want to see pirate participation.

I am not sure whether EP can interfere here. Presently it is an unharmonised 
part of compright law.
The relevance of the issue in the context of our debate is that any debate 
about remuneration should distinguis the authors and the rights owners.
A an author, I personally hate copyright. If I publish in a magazine, I may 
risk that the publisher does not allow to publish my article elsewhere, e.g. 
on my website. I guess that is in Germany even "default" law, i.e. the law 
that applies if nothing else has been explicitly decided. German articles 
rarely appear on the Internet, despite the "Berlin declaration" on open 
science. In that sense, it is an *old fashioned* country, compared with e.g. 
the US. I have to admit, Dutch publishers never objected agains publishing 
my articles on the Internet either.


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