[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sun Nov 1 14:21:27 CET 2009

Boris Turovskiy wrote:
> Christian Hufgard wrote:
>> Surveillance is much for dangerous for us, that no free access to the
>> latest song of Brittney Spears...
> Honestly, I see that something is going really wrong with the
> legislation if a large portion of society finds themselves to be
> "criminals"

Of course. And laws like this don't work out. Just remember the
prohibition. But also think of speeding. It is not allowed, must peoples
do so and if you get caught, you have to pay a fine. Nobody says "Oh,
everyone is driving to fast from time to time, so let's just drop speed
Nobody get's killed if you download a song illegaly, but speeding is
also not killing you every time you do it. :)

>> I think, in the german PP I am a minority. Most pirates want free
>> downloads. 
> OK, true, but - at least among the active German Pirates - the main
> point of interest is the civil rights/surveillance topic.

That's why I am still here. :)


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