[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sun Nov 1 16:52:14 CET 2009

Bernhard Schillo wrote:
> .. allthoug i really feel forced to answer to his accusations, cause
> they are so wrong and ridiculous that it would be no problem to disprove
> them.

Mmmh. I think you really believe what you write.. It seems you really
think, that you are a good musician and that you did a good job as
member of the steering. Interesting...

> But exactly THAT would be a flamewar, because it were personal
> accusations which have nothing to do with the aims which are being
> discussed here. My accusations against him in the contrary were focussed
> strictly on the aims we are discussing here.

Oh of course. Bashing me on every mailing list you are on ist strictly
focus. Hello? Anybody there?

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