[pp.int.general] 3-step usage rights / forced licensing model

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Wed Nov 4 09:33:05 CET 2009

Pasi Palmulehto wrote:
> Maybe there should be different pre-defined compensation sums depending
> on what kind of use it is? Or just some kind of formula how to count
> benefits of using the work on such complex situations. I bet they still
> would be better than current system.

This problem has been solved. In germany GEMA takes money for created
copies. If you have had no legal contract to create the copy, you'll be
sent to court.

> I think there are actually only one moral right that really needs to be
> saved, right to be known as original author and it should never end nor
> it should not be a burden to anyone who uses the work.

What about the legal right to sell copies? Why do you want to take it away
from the creator? Where is the public interest in that point? If private
non commercial copies are free, why also take the commercial right?

> I've also started to think, could this same system be applied on patents
> (disregard medicine and such patents with straight effect to people
> health). Protection time seems like a working one, if needed at all, but
> it would also speed up development process and no whining about needed
> time for making profit to cover expenses.

Patents are public! So today everybody can base new work upon patented stuff.


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