[pp.int.general] Translation of the Pirate Manifesto

Reinier Bakels r.bakels at planet.nl
Mon Nov 9 19:57:33 CET 2009

As far as I know, the manifesto "C" you refer to is pretty much the work of 
a single man, last year, who qarreled with everybody else. (The same applies 
for the alternatives A and B). During a meeting in Januari this year in 
Helsinki it became clear that PP leaders like Rick Falckvinge and Chritian 
Engström are not interested in this type of manifesto.

The problem with all the draft texts is that they heavily rely on human 
rights. We all support human rights, but the problem is that they are not 
suited for political purposes. Most human rights can be interpreted in 
multiple ways, including in ways that are totally opposite to the typical 
Pirate Party values. Of course, you can argue that such interpretations are 
wrong. But it is easier to skip such arguments and address the relevant 
issues directly.

For illustration, let me give two examples:
(1) It is said that massive surveillance (with camera's, on the Internet, 
everywhere) fulfills the human right to warrant everybody's safety, and the 
protection of property.
(2) UN Charter says that the rights of authors and inventors deserve due 
protection - string copyright and patent law?
(3) Far right wing politicians say awkward things about entire population 
groups - and claim freedom of speech/

None of these is complete nonsense! PP only makes a different tradeoff. 
Again: it is more effective to start with that tradeoff right away, and 
avoid the "human rights" argument.


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