[pp.int.general] Subject: Re: International Pirates Day

Philip Hunt cabalamat at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 11 20:04:33 CET 2009

2009/11/11 Andrew Norton <ktetch at gmail.com>:
> What I don't get it giving out copies of Linux. For an Open Source
> movement, yes. But the use of linux does not actively match with any
> of our policies.

To a certain extent, you're right. But every pirate I've ever met is
at least somewhat in favour of FOSS. And it does show that it's
possible to produce large and complex software without having a
business model based on selling copies. FOSS and Wikipedia are proof
that copyright is not a necessary incentive to create complex
informational works.

Philip Hunt, <cabalamat at googlemail.com>
Campaigns Officer / Press Officer, Pirate Party UK

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