[pp.int.general] Big Brother in NL?

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri Nov 27 07:36:23 CET 2009

    Perhaps the French SNCF is better - I think they basically ignored 
    the EU requirements.

France has some trains run by private companies, the idTGV.  A friend
of mine tried using one and encountered very nasty treatment: the
train was late, and when it arrived, the employee who was supposed to
give him a ticket based on his internet reservation had gone home.  He
was fined for not having a ticket.

I call them idioTGV.  French people who do not want a UK-style disaster
in France should boycott them and make them go broke.

Meanwhile, France has a nasty policy of asking people's names when
selling them train tickets.  That too is something to campaign

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