[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri Oct 23 15:12:09 CEST 2009

    > Copyright holders are a special interest -- a small part of the
    > public.  Copyright gives them privileges over everyone else.
    > Privileges are generally very beneficial for the beneficiaries.  That
    > alone cannot be enough to justify a privilege.

    But without copyrights, free software could no longer be protected from
    unfree use.

If we want a law to do that, it need not apply to anything other than 
free software.

I do not advocate abolishing copyright, just reducing it.  But, beyond
that specific position, there is a general basic position: however
much copyright power we decide to allow, it should be for the sake of
the reading public, not for the authors.

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