[pp.int.general] Protest certain musicians?

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Thu Oct 29 14:07:19 CET 2009

> You have that *seriously* wrong. They signed a contract, generally one
> where they commit to create a specific amount of content, and grant an
> exclusive license on said content to the record company. They are not an
> employee; employee's appear on the company's payroll.

"Signed a contract". Of course this is not exactly the same as beeing an
employee. But as soon as the signed it, the compay has a massive influence
on the way the work.

> Do your homework. See how many artists have created albums, the record
> company decides they will not release it, and forces them to create
> another album because the musician wasn't checking the fine-print
> closely enough.

Did I mention the opposite?

> Nobody is forcing them to do specific work - except for artists who
> simply perform others' compositions - if part of a band - they will be
> far more able to criticise the song or album they're working on.
> Some smaller record labels can give a less restrictive contract, but the
> flip-side is they can afford less funding for studio time and associated
> staff.

I would never tell something else.


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