[pp.int.general] Electronic votes and safety + Election Results

Marco Confalonieri marco.confalonieri at email.it
Tue Apr 20 11:53:22 CEST 2010

Jurgen Rateau aka JaRrr ha scritto:
> Where there is failure there is opportunity. Please address opportunity
> and forget about failure. Forget the past, the present,  help with
> defining the future. Or even better, work on it. We need you.
> Also, you don't need a title or to be a board member to do so. You even
> get more things done by not being on it, hence enjoy the freedom! 
I wasn't a candidate and a fair number of the persons my delegation 
voted was elected, so I'm quite happy with the results. I didn't mean to 
imply that there were tricks, but when someone raises a problem (or a 
perceived problem) I think it's a good idea at least considering it, at 
least to shut down any possibility of quarrel.

Marco Confalonieri

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