[pp.int.general] Support for Julian Assange and Wikileaks

Marcus Kesler marcus at d-usa.info
Thu Dec 2 21:40:00 CET 2010

And even if Julian is found guilty of rape and a stack of other crimes,
it does not make the contained in the war diaries and the cables any
less accurate. The media is pushing the rape angle to draw attention
away from the leaks, so even if he was guilty we need to keep the focus
on the leaks.

If a bad person does a good thing, it does not make the good thing any
less good.

And I still believe in innocent until proven guilty.

Marcus Kesler
Pirate Party of Oklahoma

On 12/2/2010 2:31 PM, Erik Lönroth wrote:
> If Julian was not accused of rape. Would we support him?
> If you hesitate for a second, I believe that he is already guilty.
> /Erik

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