[pp.int.general] Pirate support for Wikileaks

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Sun Dec 5 16:56:13 CET 2010

I think it would be useful to make it easy for people
to participate in an "I am Spartacus" defense of Wikileaks.

A person who knows how to manage a web site could set up his own
hosting of the whole database.  However, people might hesitate to
do this because they think that few others will do it.

So here are some ideas for how to get more participation.

* Everyone adds an alias for Wikileaks in his own domain.
Most people will need tech help in order to do it.

Writing that tech help will make this grass-roots response possible.
Also, there needs to be a way to inform people when the host name

* Everyone posts one cable in his blog.  (Not all the SAME cable.)

People don't need tech help to post it, but it would be useful to
release a free script to download one of the Wikileaks cables.
It could choose randomly among them, or perhaps some other method
would be better.

It would be useful for the script to put "Wikileaks Spartacus" at the
top, followed by whatever actual title this cable might have.
That would make it easy to measure the participation.

Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
www.fsf.org, www.gnu.org

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