[pp.int.general] PPCH behind wikileaks.ch - gj

Rick Falkvinge (Piratpartiet) rick at piratpartiet.se
Mon Dec 6 19:36:26 CET 2010

Hi Pascal!

> Its really the first moment I have since friday morning to answer this thread. I have told this story over and over to journalists so you might have already heard it (but they always do mistakes so I'll tell it here).
Oh, you had the media breakthrough moment. Congratulations. It's
exhilarating, isn't it? :)

A funny story: I got a media call from +44 today, and answering it, I
got the question if I were the press contact for the Swiss Pirate Party.
"Um, no, this is the Swedish Pirate Party, ma'am", I responded. "Right
party, wrong country. Is there anything I can help you with?"

As I didn't have your contact details, there wasn't.

So what are your contact details, for next time?

> PS for Rick: Our short name is PPS in all 4 national languages and in english too, no offense, just saying ;)
And no offense in return, but for clarity, I'm abbreviating all parties
as PPxx where xx is the national suffix (PPDE for Germany, PPES for
Spain etc) in international contexts, regardless of the formal name. You
know you're called PPS but I sure wouldn't. :D Not to mention the
countries with non-Latin letters...

Again, congratulations on a job really well done! You have set a shining
example for the entire community on how to get media breakthrough by
acting our politics and staying true to the ideals by example. That's
one of the finest things one of us can do.


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