[pp.int.general] A spanisch sad history

Xavier Vila xavier.vila at partidopirata.es
Tue Dec 21 23:36:08 CET 2010



The process is not delayed. This Law has been rejected as presented, but
they can made some amendments and try it again in other way and in other
vote of any other thing (taxes, education, .)


A little BIG victory; we will keep guard active.


Take care


Xavier Vila


De: pp.international.general-bounces at lists.pirateweb.net
[mailto:pp.international.general-bounces at lists.pirateweb.net] En nombre de
Amelia Andersdotter
Enviado el: dimarts, 21 / desembre / 2010 22:56
Para: Pirate Parties International -- General Talk
Asunto: Re: [pp.int.general] A spanisch sad history


The way I understood the tweets earlier today CiU made a few demands on the
law in the last minute that PSOE couldn't possibly agree to so the approval
process is delayed?

I wrote some about the #sindegate and the cables on Sunday:

It also explains why the Spanish are in contact with the US ambassadors -
there's some really old and ugly unilateral trade pressure from the US at
play there, but it's been going on since 1974 and was the primary reason the
BRI-countries eventually agreed to including intellectual property rights in
the preliminary world trade organisation discussions in 1986.

On 21 December 2010 22:50, Gabriel Serrano
<gabriel.serrano at partidopirata.es> wrote:

One of the cables revealed by Wikileaks, tells how the United States
Government issued the Government of Spain to move forward looking for a law
to control "illegal" downloading.

As it seems, the Government of Spain has obeyed the order.

One year ago our Government proposed the new "Sustainable Economy Act" in
which a particularly interesting paragraph was sliced. This paragraph knows
as "Sinde-Law" (honoring our Culture Ministers name), will allows the
Government to close any web in Spain with a simple administrative order.
Such a possibility clearly violate Article 20.5 of the Spanish Constitution,
which grants exclusively to a judge the power to order the closure of a
media outlet.

Further the Government is trying to pass the new law avoiding the parliament
aproval process in a special way reserved only to minor laws with general

The apparent motivation for this law seems to lie in the judicial defeats
each time the Cultural-Industry Lobby tried to close P2P services, so now
they are trying another way to get them close no matter if by the way they
finish as well with our freedom of speech.

Today, just a few hours before the holidays season, our beloved Government
ist trying to pass the Law.

We don't know what is going to happen. During the past year the Government
has disregard any popular protest against this Law and the last days the
movement in Spain against the Law has been growing exponentially.

But in any case we feel us less free in our country.

Gabriel Serrano

Pirate Parties International - General Talk
pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net


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