[pp.int.general] LOPPSI: The Internet is now filtered in France

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 18:49:04 CET 2010

Greetings everyone,

against all odds, the French Parliament has just voted the 4th article
of the "LOPPSI" law (that also happens to include such things as
mandatory video-surveillance, no-children-in-the-streets-after-22pm
measures, full-body scanners and other delights).

This specific article gives the government (with a judge's signature,
fortunately) the ability to force ISPs to block several blacklisted
websites for all their users. Just like in Australia, in a nutshell.
And just like in Australia, child pornography is the alleged motive
but we already know this won't last long don't we?

OK, who's next now? UK? Germany (again)? Italy?


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