[pp.int.general] Democracy in PPI

Christian Hufgard pp at christian-hufgard.de
Sun Jan 17 17:33:37 CET 2010

Hi Eric,

Generally spoken, PPI is not legitimized by anything. It is a little bit
like the EU. Some persons invented it and not decide what it shall do.

Even the way the delegates are choosen smells a lot like EU. If there
ever shall be an organization called PPI, is MUST be legitimized in a
transparent democratic way!

Voting is also a very delicate thing. Take the EU elections. One of the
very basic rules of democraty is simply dropped out: Each vote is equal.
In the EU is a heavy unbalance of each voters vote. Of course this is
just to make the smaller countries happy and keep joining. But I cannot
accept, that a german or french voter has less weight that a voter from
luxembourg or sweden. (Remember: Sweden: 230k votes for PP - 2
delegates. Germany: 230k votes for PP - 0 delegates).

PPI is a nice idea, but has very serious lacks in legitimation.


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