[pp.int.general] PPI statutes task force

Valentin Villenave v.villenave at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 12:30:12 CET 2010

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 8:45 PM, coretx <coretx at piratenpartij.nl> wrote:
> The PPI coreteam will only accept statutes that all delegates agree upon.
> Incompatible clauses will simply be excluded from the statutes.


> Everybody is free to join the statutes taskforce, and help constructing
> "sets" that are to be proposed.
> We expect these to be unbiased, and aimed at creating common ground only.
> Not pushing national agenda's.


> After the conference, the  "coreteam" should cease to exist, and (
> representative ) democratically elected officials will replace them.


> Some parties being mobruled, ruled by monarchy or by representative
> democracy is all the same to us.
> National affairs are national affairs , Not PPI affairs. Fix them on a
> national level.

I do, however, have one comment about that: things are not so simple
when there's a "fork" situation, where the PPI /has/ to make a choice
about *which* Pirate Party it acknowledges as such. Back in 07 (and
again in June) when we were in deep sh*t here, the PPI official
endorsement has been of great help, and we're very thankful to those
who made it happen (particularly Andrew).

> Voting /against/ something is a bad habit in general.
> Proposing a so called "Alternative" is much more constructive.


You guys are obviously working hard, and for that alone you deserve
our respect, no matter whether we agree or disagree on some topics (or
semantics, as I suspect is the case here).

As Denis said, we have to do our best NOW wrt the resources we actually have.


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