[pp.int.general] Wikipedia pages

Glenn Kerbein glenn.kerbein at pirate-party.us
Sat Mar 20 07:25:49 CET 2010

ATTN: Party promotions officers
	I have been perusing Wikipedia in regards to the pirate party. I've
taken the liberty of editing Samir's page
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samir_Allioui), as it seemed lacking. I
also uploaded a flickr photo to compliment the page. I suggest that we
all run through each other's page, create them as needed, and post to
the list.
	Remember, though, that you can't edit your own page. That would
constitute a conflict of interest. If you are going to put images on the
site, please upload them to the commons, too.

Glenn "Channel6" Kerbein
United States Pirate Party
+1 (707) 636-4198

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