[pp.int.general] Why Free Software misses the point

Richard Stallman rms at gnu.org
Fri May 14 23:04:00 CEST 2010

    Of Open Source software, sure - that's what all of your above arguments 
    are about.

If that refers to my arguments about malicious features, then you're
mistaken: open source supporters don't say things like that.

These arguments are based on users' freedom (or lack of it).  With
free software, the users control the software.  With proprietary
software, the software controls the users; and since the developer or
owner conterls the software, he has power over the users.  Malicious
features are one concrete result of this unjust power.

Open source supporters limit their concern to how to develop software
of high quality, and do not raise the issue of who controls your

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