[pp.int.general] Why Free Software misses the point

Mikko Särelä msarela at cc.hut.fi
Mon May 17 22:23:41 CEST 2010

On Mon, 17 May 2010, Yves Quemener wrote:
> Mikko Särelä wrote:
> > I agree. 
> >
> > As a side note, I believe copyright should only be available for 
> > software that has been published with source code. If the purpose of 
> > copyrights is, as with patents, to give incentives to produce things - 
> > to enrich public domain, then no legal protection should be given to 
> > closed source software.
> >   
> An interesting and intriguing idea. But I am not sure about what you 
> propose. I see two interpretations :
> - That copyright should not apply to binaries but that one could publish 
> source code, copyright it, and restrict the rights to copy and 
> distribute it without paying him (the only difference with today's 
> situation would be that we can see the source code but not reuse it)
> - That non-free licenses should not be enforceable.

I believe the first one of the above should be the minimum - combined with 
5-10 year copyright. Hence, the work would be released to the public. 
Nowadays, closed source vendors get all the benefits and the public gets 

Mikko Särelä
"It is through exchange that difference becomes a blessing, not a
curse", Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Great Britain

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