[pp.int.general] Deportations of Latin Americans in Europe

Partido Pirata Argentino ppirataargentino at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 04:17:55 CET 2010

Argentina, and probably other Latin Americans citizens, being deported
from Europe ..

Most of them with the proper documentation::

Argentina was an abused and deported in Spain, The woman was held
incommunicado at the airport Barajas. He was three months pregnant and
lost the baby.


A grandmother wanted to go visit his newborn grandson to the Canary
Islands and did not let go (even with their papers in order) because
the occupation of their country of origin is "maid."


A professor of the Universidad Nacional de Salta was deported along
with his 9 year old niece. The girl went to visit her mother in Spain.
Saw the mother, but never touched or kissed, glass separated them all
the time.



And many other cases....Europe is the land of liberty......


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