[pp.int.general] Deportations of Latin Americans in Europe

Justus Römeth squig at dfpx.de
Fri Nov 12 17:35:14 CET 2010

To be fair, France didn't technically deport the Roma from/to Romania. 
They bought them a plane ticket and gave them some cash so they would 
take it. The Roma are actually free to return anytime, according to EU 
law. It was basically an expensive hoax, a PR stunt from Sarkozy to show 
he's 'tough on immigration' to steer the political discussion away from 
the real problems in France (strikes, pensions, ...). He tried to get 
votes away from the far-right and the socialists at the same time, 

On 12.11.10 15:52, Partido Pirata Argentino wrote:
>> First of all, I am completely against any deportation,  however I doubt
>> about this information for.2 reasons:
>> 1) A journalist is deported and he publishes it in boogspot instead of.the
>> journal itself.
>> 2) romanians can't.be deported in spain because they are EU citizens.
> Well many gipsys was eropean citizens too...
> The journalist went to Spain to investigated the deportations, he put
> an advance in:
> http://orsai.bitacoras.com/2010/11/el-limbo-desde-dentro.php
> The magazin "Orsai" will be published in January 2011..
> Deported argentinian citizens  from Spain:
> http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1316615
> http://www.clarin.com/diario/2009/08/11/um/m-01976430.htm
> Ilegal detention of an argentinan in Barcelona:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqK_xr-88Xw
> http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/sociedad/3-116306-2008-12-08.html
> (2008)
> http://canallatino.tv/x2/index.php?id=2&seccion=3&noticia=1791
> Uruguay
> A woman deported from Spain:
> http://partido-pirata.blogspot.com/2009/04/mas-turismo-en-el-partido-pirata.html
> http://partido-pirata.blogspot.com/2008/12/si-vas-para-espaa.html
> http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-116664-2008-12-14.html
> And more links.....
> Best Regards.
> Eduardo.
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