[pp.int.general] Deportations of Latin Americans in Europe

Partido Pirata Argentino ppirataargentino at gmail.com
Sat Nov 13 02:15:20 CET 2010

1) PPI has NOTHING to do with immigration, here you can find any kind of
opinions, because Pirate Parties have NO POINT on such an issue.

Ok. I want to know other opinions...But is all right, I
understand....Is more important a free  download of an archive....Ok.

"me sigue pareciendo que la fiabilidad de la noticia comentada tiende
a cero. Cómo dije anteriormente, no se deporta a ciudadanos de la unión
europea, y me parece harto absurdo deportar en el mismo vuelo a
latinoamericanos y rumanos, pues la vuelta que daría el avión es tan
estúpida que este simple hecho ya resta toda credibilidad a esa entrada
en un blog personal."

They would´nt be deported together, they were in the detention center
of the Airport of Barajas, waiting to be deported.

It would not be a plane that runs through the country from Brazil,
Uruguay, Argentina, etc. .... etc but was in the detention center
awaiting deportation. Not all together.

But, I understand, si more importan a free download, don´t worry, I understand


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