[pp.int.general] pp.international.general Digest, Vol 45, Issue 68

Stéphane Vanbellinghen carnops at pirateparty.be
Thu Nov 25 20:11:45 CET 2010

Hi all,

As you probably know, this is my first post here.

I read the recent threads with more or less attention depending 
on the content.

First of all, I am please to read that Mr Stallman is involved in this 
mailing-list, because I switched to free software and OS after 
some e-mail exchanges. It's funny to think that GNU/Linux led me 
to become a member of the Pirate Party.

I am very sorry to see that instead of uniting and working 
together, some persons are arguing again and again.

If someone wants to DDoS, just let them do... It would have been 
smarter not to talk about it on a public mailing-list.

In my opinion, the PPI lacks of global communication and 
cooperation. I understand it is difficult to manage the cultural 
differences, but don't we share common values?

If we want to weigh on the political field we must unite and work 
all together. A good example is the ACTA threat ; we spread the  
word, but we could be very effective if we worked in all the 
countries to make the public aware and informed of it.

We should agree on how such topics could be treated.
For example, giving lectures on Net neutrality, copyright, 
patents, a.s.o.

I did something similar when I turned to GNU/Linux and became a 
volunteer support point.
I've been invited at a small association to "teach" how to use 
Ubuntu and it was an excellent experience.

I know we don't live in wonderland, but I think friendly discussion 
are more useful than testosteroned quarrels.


Stephane Vanbellinghen
Pirate Party Belgium
carnops AT pirateparty DOT be

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