[pp.int.general] Andrew Failing, AGAIN

Kenneth Peiruza kenneth at contralaguerra.org
Tue Oct 5 23:53:38 CEST 2010


    Maybe it's my current headache, however, this is the third time in
few days that I wanted to tell you something, and finally here we goes.

    Can you try to build instead of destroy? Are you always like this?

    As you can see, I am getting rid of your attitude, maybe you can be
right in some things, but you fail as a whole.

     I'm not at the PPI board at all, but as a member of this list, it's
quite obvious that you're not positively contributing to anything. Can I
ask you something? is there any other pirate in the US who is a kind
person so he/she can replace you in this list?

    If you have something to purpose, do it. If you have any issue,
politely ask for help/fix. But if you only want to troll, please, shout up.



Al 05/10/10 23:33, En/na Andrew Norton ha escrit:
> PPI Incompetence shines through again.
> - From todays meeting
> http://wiki.pp-international.net/PPI_Board_Minutes_2010-10-05
> "PP-US: we are certain that we did not got any confimation from USPP
> after the conference regarding their PPI Membership. They are more than
> welcome to submit an application for Membership for the next conference,
> though. "
> They are certain. They're so certain, they've not asked us for any kind
> of information on it. Not a single 'well, how and when did you submit
> it?' - kinda hard to be certain. For all they know, it was accidentally
> misfiled as spam and deleted.
> What we have again is the current PPI board trying to gloss over their
> failings in basic activities. after a 30 second check of their inbox,
> they're *certain* - probably the same certain, that Gregory was that
> we'd have the statutes before the conference (he's got a great track
> record)
> Let's also remind ourselves of our esteemed leader's goals for 2010 if
> elected.
> Gregory
> (http://int.piratenpartei.de/PPI_board_candidates_2010#Gregory_Engels.2C_Germany)
> "The goal is to strengthen and build support for the international
> pirate movement - including giving kick-start to new pirate parties, and
> preparing a big international pirate conference. On the personal and
> more local side - to ensure that the Pirate Party of Hesse participates
> in the "foreigners elections" in November."
> Building support for hte international pirate movement. Anyone feel
> supported?
> Kick start to new parties - can't say much there.
> Preparing a big international conference - Well, his goal for 2010 here
> is completely busted. Not only is the next one now NOT in 2010, but he
> wants someone else to organise it.
> The Hesse election bit - well, this one pretty much violates the
> statutes he himself wrote.
> XII. Board
> (1) Pirate Parties International is managed by the Board, the executive
> organ. Its Members shall consider the interests of the Pirate
> Movement as a whole and shall neither consider themselves, nor be
> considered, as representing any particular Member or non-member
> Organization or Region.
> When he can't even run for the job in accordance with the rules for the
> job he wrote, it's a clear sign of incompetence.
> Jerry, our other co-president made the following campaign pledge
> (http://int.piratenpartei.de/PPI_board_candidates_2010#Jerry_Weyer.2C_Luxembourg)
> "Establish Pirate Party in Luxembourg, provide the PPI with a legal
> basis (statutes), increase international cooperation between pirate
> parties (with the help of PPI)"
> 3 items. The first ALSO falls foul of the statutes, mentioned in the
> second (the statutes which also have a significant lacking, as I'll
> mention again, there is no means to remove a board member for sheer
> incompetence - oversight, or deliberate, you judge), and the 3rd item he
> has also failed miserably at.
> 10 days ago, I wrote an email, saying that the board needed to either
> get their backsides in gear and DO THEIR JOBS, or resign. There is just
> under 2 weeks left. So far, nothing has changed. It's still 'looking for
> someone else to do xyz' and 30-second certainties.
> One of the reasons the Pirate Party started, is because people were
> tired of politicians saying, and promising something, then not doing it
> or stabbing us in the back. Right now, that's EXACTLY the kind of people
> we have running the PPI. PPI as a concept is too important to leave to
> these incompetents, bumbling around like a political Inspector Clouseau.
> Right now, their pride, and their arrogance is hurting us all. If you
> can't handle the position (and you, collectively, have shown you can't)
> then step down, and let someone who can do so. No-one would think any
> less of you because of it. However, when you make a shoddy product, are
> called on it, and keep on making a shoddy product, then people DO think
> less of you.
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