[pp.int.general] The Venus project?

Maria Pinjanainen maria.pinjanainen at piraattipuolue.fi
Sat Aug 6 21:11:26 CEST 2011

On 05.08.2011 21:21, Giulio Prisco wrote:
> You should watch the three Zeitgeist films (free downloads). They
> borrow a lot from Fresco's ideas and the Venus project.
> I think the analysis of the current economic and (geo)political
> panorama is mostly correct. In a nutshell, modern economy is a giant
> Ponzi scam, someday soon the shit will hit the fan (perhaps that day
> is now), war makes money, and politics is driven by economy (well,
> also Marx said that) so also politics is a Ponzi scam.

I have watched only the Moving Forward film. I fully agree you about the
analysis. It is correct and useful.


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