[pp.int.general] Let's discuss Lola's sexual life :)

Aleksandar Blagojević piratska.partija.srbije at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 18:06:51 CET 2011

teh fu*k!
keep your s*it in your own yard!

all of you "pirates" involved in this matter.
do not poison this movement with a such low idea-less "dialogue".

this is a such disappointment!


On 12/21/2011 06:51 AM, Lola Voronina wrote:
> Dear Samir and Pirates,
> I never thought we will be discussing my private life on the general
> mailing list...
>     "The other guy you are referring to however made the french pirate
> party fork and was fucking the PPI COA Lola. What a    great display
> of integrity !"
> I don't have to say, that you are using inappropriate words
> and inappropriate methods. Other Pirates told that to you
> already.  You just forgot to mention how I asked the Board members to
> stay for an informal discussion after the Board meeting. How I
> informed the board members that my boyfriend is planning to organize a
> new PP in France and that I am being against it. That I was worried
> that people would follow him, because they know that we were together
> that moment and would expect the PPI support. I ask the other board
> members and ex board members, who were presented on this discussion to
> confirm my words. I was AGAINST the new PP-FR and you know it.
>     "However, when two people are within one board, they should not be
> in a relationship."
> Totally agree. You, being my friend in past, do know that I wasn't in
> the relationship with that person when he was the board member. I
> never had any contact with him apart of few words at the conference in
> Friedrichshafen ("Excuse me, Is it you going for the CAO position?"
> "Yes!" "Good luck!") We exchanged the contacts with that person when I
> was composing the e-mail to pp-leaders about his resignation - 2 month
> after he resigned. 2 month after exchanging the contacts we started
> dating. He resigned in May. Started dating in September. Conflict of
> interests? Where? 2 people within the board? What are you talking about?
>       "Also important to know:  I have no feud with Lola. Or at least
> not a personal one."
> Yes, Samir doesn't have any personal problems with me. This person was
> staying at my flat, being my guest end of November-beginning of
> December when visiting Prague. Being my friend and my GUEST. For
> eastern people (like Russians) that means a lot. No need to explain
> more. We were going out for drinks as well, talking on private
> subjects... I knew that time already what kind of person Samir is, I
> could expect him to discuss my private life, my secrets with his
> friends while having a beer. But I never expected him to write it on
> the mailing list. I'm more than disappointed.
>       "I do however, mind the fact that our Chief Administrative
> Officer still has not presented proper administration for PPI."
> Please show me any results of your work being a Co-Chairman :)
> I was considering the resignation from the PPI Board for one simple
> reason - I don't want to be a part of Samir Allioui's Board. But I'm
> not going to do it. I think that PPI needs me and my work. I'm just
> going to minimize all possible contacts with Samir on personal or
> professional level. I believe this conflict won't affect the work of
> the PPI Board, because we now have compltely different tasks. I will
> be organizing the next GA, and Samir (hopefully) completing his old
> unfinished tasks.
> Best regards,
> Lola Voronina,
> Chief Administrative Officer, Pirate Parties International.
> P.S. I apologize to my ex-boyfriend for bringing our relationships on
> public.
> P.P.S. Thanks to all Pirates for their support!
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> Pirate Parties International - General Talk
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Aleksandar Blagojević aka blaeks <https://blaeks.wordpress.com/>
former PPI board member
founder of Pirate party of Serbia
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