[pp.int.general] Let's discuss Lola's sexual life :)

carlo von lynX lynX at pirate.my.buttharp.org
Fri Dec 23 14:03:52 CET 2011

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 06:51:02AM +0100, Lola Voronina wrote:
>     "The other guy you are referring to however made the french pirate
> party fork and was fucking the PPI COA Lola. What a    great display of
> integrity !"

I know nothing of the affair going on but if "fucking the PPI COA Lola"
is a public statement it isn't in my eyes worthy of a Pirate.

You choose more respectful wording to describe any sort of bias,
we're not on youpiratepr0n.com

As a Pirate you chose to respect all human and civil rights of
everyone, including the ones you don't like.

If this is a public statement, please consider stepping down, even if
you're "right."

It's getting time we have professional people running our public business
and we have plenty of smart folks to replace anyone doing it wrong.

Opinion of one Pirate only, who doesn't know anyone of the involved people.

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