[pp.int.general] Old woman ****ed by copyright lobby - Can we do something?

Martin Rieth martin.rieth at piratenpartei-goettingen.de
Thu Dec 29 13:36:52 CET 2011

Moin Moin Antior, *,

since this is a german-law-event i include links with a german text:
the sentence of the court: http://openjur.de/u/257965.html

It seems that the "in dubio pro reo" is not working or not accepted as
law anymore in all of these types of cases.

I am willing to follow up to this topic and find a german pirate-party
group (ie: near munich), which will make some press-relevant statements
or even more ...

It seems to me that this person in question made the mistake of signing
a paper which declares her being guilty, which is the base of all

if anyone pirate with more time and interest is reading this, i am
willing to leave it in any other german-language-capable hands, just
answer here. ,-)

I say 42, Martin Rieth
Piraten Ratsfraktion - Stadt Göttingen
Hiroshimaplatz 1-4
37083 Göttingen
Tel: 0551/400-3077

Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011 - Pirate Parties International -- General Talk :
> Hello pirates from the world,

> http://torrentfreak.com/retired-computerless-woman-fined-for-pirating-hooligan-movie-111222/

> I just ran into this article, which basically tells of how an old
> woman in Germany has to pay 650 euros for 'copyright infringement',
> while she didn't even have a computer at the time this supposedly
> happened. The judge ruled in favour of the copyright lobby. Apparently
> in Germany you're guilty if *you've ever in the past used a certain
> IP* that has been used for 'copyright infringement'.

> It never seizes to amaze me how heartless these copyright guys get. I
> don't know if this happens a lot in Germany, but this is such a sad
> case that I'm wondering if we should help this woman pay her fine. If
> pirates everywhere donate a small amount that shouldn't be too hard.
> Additionally it shows the world that the Pirate Parties DO have a heart.

> However, I would like to ask the German Piratenpartei first what they
> think of this, and if they like this idea, I would like to ask them to
> take the lead in this small project, simply because it will be easiest for them to reach this woman.

> Thank you,

> Antior

Ich sach 42, Martin
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