[pp.int.general] Main way to reduce floods, snowfalls, to get new income etc.

Терегулов Айрат SlavTurk at yandex.ru
Sun Jan 16 09:01:31 CET 2011

Main way to reduce floods, snowfalls, to get new income etc.

A sharp rise of the numbers of cars, houses, firms in Russia, China, India and of fires from droughts gives too much heat. It is amassed above the middle of Eurasia, like the heat above deserts, and does not allow inside it the rain clouds from oceans. That’s why there are strong rains, snowfalls, floods in Western Europe, Australia, America and droughts in Russia. They’ll be regular, if not to stop the global warming. The way out is the transportoptimal.blogspot.com with positive references of Rospatent and of a prominent specialist, to begin with simple means to reduce by 70% car accidents and jams, by 35% exhaust and warming. Get Part I for free. Part II with the info about some general and private benefits is $27, to be used for the optimization of transport. Got Univ. ed., Scientific degree & title on General Mechanics. Member of Kazan Academy of Scientific Creativity. Ph/F +7 843 2365517. E-m slavturk at yandex.ru Teregulov.

P.S. Parts I and II will be translated into English if there’s proper demand. The general ideas on Optimal Development could be obtained only by a definite person in the XX century to be used from the XXI century’s beginning. They may soon pass away with the elderly author, for he can’t register them in Russia. The other way of support is in the wayoutofcrisis.blogspot.com/

P.P.S. Participants will have a priority to use the best transport and to get $1,000 a month for 4 hours work a week: “I like to support causes where a lot of good comes from a little bit of good, using the latest advancements on a global scale” (www.skollfoundation.org/). The affiliates may have 50% of the above size income from different forms of their activity in this business. 

OPTIMAL AIR, SPACE, WATER, LAND CRAFT, MOTORS ETC. The optimal planes will be covering 1,000 km in 35 min and 10,000 km in 90 min. The bigger is the distance the bigger will be the speed, for the flight will be at a big altitude, i.e. in the less dense layers of the atmosphere and with a smaller gravity force. They’ll have a short runway, low noise. Their fuel expense, take off speed, trip’s price will be many times lower. They'll be reaching Space easily.  The motors’ efficiency is under 0.5. A motor with efficiency about 1 is designed, but it'll not be mighty. So there's a need to build first the optimal wing, boat, car cabin, road. The optimal water craft will be gliding along the water surface like along ice. The most light and of biggest capacity accumulator and optimal source of energy are designed. www.eastwestbond.com etc.

SIGNS OF GLOBAL CRISIS. 1. Market’s collapse in 2008 and low discount rates at present, i.e. there’s no profit. 2. Unemployment in the USA and EU is about 10% and there are 210,000,000 of unemployed people in the World. 3. Banks, foundations, rich people invest into gold; sharp rise of its price. 4. Big state budget’s deficits; debts of countries, firms and persons are $220,000,000,000,000. 5. There are 1,020,000,000 of starving people in the World already. These signs, forecasts and research show, that there’s an urgent need of the new general ideas’ use (“Ideas rule the World”) to avoid a global catastrophe (“Slow is the Lord but sure”). 

КАК УБРАТЬ РОСТ ЦЕН,  иметь выгодный доход, снизить расход горючего и т.д. См. avtoigorod.blogspot.com или получите у автора. Удобства, пенсии, капиталы (также от нефти и газа) даёт людям разум – общие идеи. За них люди не платят, т.к. жизнь основана на силе (выборы, рынок) и сила живёт за счёт разума. Это истощило основу науки. Отсюда её застой, рост цен, кризис в Мире. Для выхода из кризиса нужна новая схема экономики («ЭМ» 07.01.11 и др.). Её дадут рынок и план. Для плана появился в Казани, т.к. в ней полнее черты РФ и надо начинать, автор тех. и соц. общих идей по Оптимальному Развитию, чтобы вводить их вместе для мирного развития, т.к. тех. общие идеи дадут блага для соц. общих идей, что улучшит жизнь участников. Иначе будет повтор трагедии 1917-18 гг., т.к. из-за огромной страны, холода и т.д. в РФ медленное развитие, т.е. слабые условия для рынка. Доцент. Тел. 843 2365517, 89625635380. 

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