[pp.int.general] Generall assembly of the Czech Pirate Party

Mikulas.Ferjencik Mikulas.Ferjencik at seznam.cz
Mon Jun 13 22:28:50 CEST 2011

Dear Pirates,

the general assembly of the Czech Pirate Party will be held in Křižanov (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=cs&geocode=&q=K%C5%99i%C5%BEanov,+%C4%8Cesk%C3%A1+republika&aq=0&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.352165,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=K%C5%99i%C5%BEanov,+%C4%8Cesk%C3%A1+republika&t=h&z=12) between 24th and 26th of June.

The conference format is Openspace (we copied the PPI conference in Friedrichsahaven as we consider it a big success) and it will be held in a rather beatifull part of our country. The overall costs for 2 nights and 6 meals (friday till sunday) are approximately 25 euro a vegetarian option is available. Marcel Kolaja and Lola Voronina from PPI will be present, Ivan Sirko from the Pirate Party of Ukraine will take care of the international visitors.

Feel free to come meet other pirates or just hang out in the Czech countryside.

I apologise for giving you such a short notice, however we were not sure whether we well be able to take care of the international visitors, now we are sure we will. The accordion show will be available as usual :-)

Please register till the 20th of June by filling in this form - http://www.piratskastrana.cz/cf - if you do not make it on time please write me a personal email, I will sort it out with the organising team.

If you can make it to Prague / Brno, there will be plenty of free space in cars to pick you up.


Mikulas Ferjencik, vicepresident of PP-CZ 

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